
Bible Way Missionary Baptist Church has several different ministries where our members can put their time and talents to work. Review our extensive list of ministries for all ages.

Our ministries fall into 6 categories: Serving, Support, Evangelizing, Payer & Care, Children & Youth, Men and Women.


You can make a difference!

Serving Ministries

You will be in direct contact with the congregation during each service and an opportunity to serve.

Greeters Ministry

The Greeters’ Ministry’s purpose is to serve while exhibiting love to build a strong sense of community for every one that visits the Bible Way Baptist Church. The Greeters’ Ministry meets on the Monday following the 1st Sunday at 7:00P.M.

Ushers’ Ministry

The Ushers’ Ministry’s purpose is far more than that of a doorkeeper or a paper peddler; it embraces the care and well being of members and visitors despite social or economic status in life. We operate in excellence with the understanding that our service is unto God. The Ushers’ Ministry meets the Monday following the 1st Sunday at 7:00P.M.

Security Ministry

The Security Ministry’s primary function is to provide a tranquil environment for the members, first family, staff and volunteers. They are responsible for securing the exterior and interior of the church and maintaining order during all major church activities.

Media Ministry

The Media Ministry is known as the “Can Do” Ministry. It services the needs of the multiple ministries within our church while utilizing the latest technology.

Support Ministries

Supports the Pastor and the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Deacon’s Ministry

The Biblical qualifications for a deacon (1 Timothy 3:8-13) focus primarily on character and relationships within the church, family and community. Deacons are to be persons of impeccable character and deep faith who rely on the Holy Spirit. They are to care for the physical needs of the congregation so that the pastors can concentrate on spiritual needs. The deacons are not viewed as a governing body but as servant leaders.

Associate Minister’s Ministry

The Ministers of Bible Way Baptist Church are dedicated Christians, each of whom brings his energies, resources, and different talents to this body of Christ. Bible Way believes strongly in the value of education; our ministerial staff is trained and regularly updates their Biblical knowledge and specialty areas through workshops/conferences and seminars. This dedication to educational and ministerial excellence offers the members of Bible Way and the Copperas Cove, Texas community a cadre of devoted servants of our Lord.

Pastor’s Aide

The purpose of the pastor’s aide is to provide moral, spiritual and financial support to the pastor and his family. Everyone is considered part of this ministry and loving participation is shown by giving your tithes, being faithful to the Church and engaging in intentional discipleship. There is no formal Pastor’s Aide organization, but members are encouraged to be prayerful for our pastor and demonstrative annually on Pastor’s Anniversary Sunday and as the Spirit of God leads.

Evangelizing Ministries

Help usher in the Holy Spirit each and every service.

Evangelism Ministry Team

The primary purpose of the Evangelism Ministry Team is to educate, equip and encourage believers who attend Bible Way Baptist Church for personal evangelism. These servant leaders also have key roles in our Jail and Prison Ministries. You will also find them visiting the sick and shut in and providing comfort to our bereaved and support to others in need of compassionate fellowship and prayer.

Music Ministry

The Bible Way Music Ministry is under the direction of Sister Nancy Small, Minister of Music. Sis. Small is blessed with a team of dedicated and gifted musicians and directors who understand the importance of spirit-led worship.

We are a Christ centered ministry that exalts the name of Jesus Christ through songs of Praise and Worship as we edify the Body of Christ by spreading the Good News of His life, death, resurrection and His coming return. We not only sing of the goodness of God, but we seek to live it in our daily lives, extending Agape love through faith and fellowship. As we study God’s Word to show ourselves approved, we offer worship in Spirit and Truth led by the Holy Spirit and confirmed by God’s Holy Word.

The Music Ministry includes:

  • Male Chorus – Our men’s chorus is a group of men with the melodious voices that uplift our spirits. Listening to these singers is unforgettable so come enjoy their singing every 4th Sunday
  • Youth Choir – This group consists of our elementary and middle school students. They rehearse regularly two Saturdays per month, and share inspirational songs with our congregation during the 11:00 a.m. worship hour every 3rd Sunday.
  • Mass Choir – This choir consists of all Bible Way choir members. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the church. The Mass Choir supports most Sunday morning worship services, as well as revivals, annual auxiliary days, and community events. The Mass Choir features a wide variety of musical styles, ranging from traditional hymns to anthems and contemporary gospel.

Prayer & Care Ministry

Ministering to the needs of our congregation by offering prayer and other support services for specialized populations

Prison Ministry

The primary purpose of the Prison Ministry Team is to evangelize, encourage, and equip those in prison, so that they are empowered to successfully transition back into society upon release from prison.

Seniors’ Ministry

The Seniors’ Ministry services adults who are 65 years of age and older by offering a broad cross-section of activities. From physical activities (such as power walks and aerobics) to educational activities (such as seminars, church and community outreach projects, monthly luncheons) this ministry appeals to members and non-members alike.

The Women’s (Sisterhood) Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of the Bible Way Missionary Baptist Church continues to provide Christian training, discipleship, evangelism, mentorship and leadership training for women and girls of all ages.


All women are encouraged to participate in our Mission Ministry. We have opportunities to regular fellowship, monthly Bible study, and serve our community in an exclusively women-oriented, Christ-focused environment. We continually strive to do everything in love and model faith for others needing Christ’s power.

Junior Mission

Our Junior Mission is comprised of young women (post-secondary school to early 30s) who are on fire for God! monthly Bible Study, peer support, and outreach are hallmarks of this group who seek to live holy and walk in God’s will.

Girl’s Auxiliary


The Men’s Ministry of the Bible Way Missionary Baptist Church continues to provide Christian training, discipleship, evangelism, mentorship and leadership training for men and boys of all ages.

The Brotherhood Ministry

The Brotherhood is a group of consecrated Christian men which, led by the Spirit of God and operating in unity and wisdom, under girds all the programs of the local church and Missionary Baptist Church denomination.

The goals of this ministry are to deepen the spirituality of men, to win the lost to Christ, to cultivate Christian fellowship, and to promote religious intelligence. Our men do not shrink back from their leadership roles whether at the church or at home. We encourage all men to be a part of the Brotherhood! Men lead the services every 4th Sunday and meet on average once a month.

Children & Youth

For our children and youth ages Pre-K to teens.

Preschool Ministry

The Preschool Ministry is designed for children between the ages of 18 months and first grade. We provide a fun, safe, and educational environment where children can learn and develop through hands-on, minds-on activities. Our goal is to provide high quality educational materials that reflect best practices in early childhood development. Lessons feature Biblical themes that equip children with the basics and higher skills to be successful in school and in life. Our program encourages children to learn independence, responsibility and respect for others. Wonderful things happen in a child’s life when the church, educational and home environments collaborate to develop the whole child.

Youth & Children’s Church

God has provided spirit-filled youth and children from a wide range of backgrounds. We have been blessed with wonderful supervisors, sponsors and youth workers that encourage our children and youth to give their very best to the Master. Our children are God-given gifts. It is a blessing when young people show they know Jesus. We believe as Psalms 8:2 states, “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings has thou ordained strength.” Our Youth Department activities are designed for their enjoyment, growth, and edification. We accept the charge to sponsor activities that train them in how to flourish as Christians while having fun and fellowship.

Vacation Bible School Ministry

Vacation Bible School features age-appropriate, Bible-centered activities during the month of June. It is a significant part of the church’s Bible teaching program and vital to our church’s educational program. It is centered on nurturing children through Bible study, music, arts and crafts. The purpose of this ministry emphasizes the love of Jesus Christ. During one week of AM and PM sessions, instruction and recreation are holy-spirit directed to strengthen Christians in their commitment to Christ and inform non-believers about Him.


You can make a difference!

Serving Ministries

You will be in direct contact with the congregation during each service and an opportunity to serve.

Greeters Ministry

The Greeters’ Ministry’s purpose is to serve while exhibiting love to build a strong sense of community for every one that visits the Bible Way Baptist Church. The Greeters’ Ministry meets on the Monday following the 1st Sunday at 7:00P.M.

Ushers’ Ministry

The Ushers’ Ministry’s purpose is far more than that of a doorkeeper or a paper peddler; it embraces the care and well being of members and visitors despite social or economic status in life. We operate in excellence with the understanding that our service is unto God. The Ushers’ Ministry meets the Monday following the 1st Sunday at 7:00P.M.

Security Ministry

The Security Ministry’s primary function is to provide a tranquil environment for the members, first family, staff and volunteers. They are responsible for securing the exterior and interior of the church and maintaining order during all major church activities.

Media Ministry

The Media Ministry is known as the “Can Do” Ministry. It services the needs of the multiple ministries within our church while utilizing the latest technology.

Support Ministries

Supports the Pastor and the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Deacon’s Ministry

The Biblical qualifications for a deacon (1 Timothy 3:8-13) focus primarily on character and relationships within the church, family and community. Deacons are to be persons of impeccable character and deep faith who rely on the Holy Spirit. They are to care for the physical needs of the congregation so that the pastors can concentrate on spiritual needs. The deacons are not viewed as a governing body but as servant leaders.

Associate Minister’s Ministry

The Ministers of Bible Way Baptist Church are dedicated Christians, each of whom brings his energies, resources, and different talents to this body of Christ. Bible Way believes strongly in the value of education; our ministerial staff is trained and regularly updates their Biblical knowledge and specialty areas through workshops/conferences and seminars. This dedication to educational and ministerial excellence offers the members of Bible Way and the Copperas Cove, Texas community a cadre of devoted servants of our Lord.

Pastor’s Aide

The purpose of the pastor’s aide is to provide moral, spiritual and financial support to the pastor and his family. Everyone is considered part of this ministry and loving participation is shown by giving your tithes, being faithful to the Church and engaging in intentional discipleship. There is no formal Pastor’s Aide organization, but members are encouraged to be prayerful for our pastor and demonstrative annually on Pastor’s Anniversary Sunday and as the Spirit of God leads.

Evangelizing Ministries

Help usher in the Holy Spirit each and every service.

Evangelism Ministry Team

The primary purpose of the Evangelism Ministry Team is to educate, equip and encourage believers who attend Bible Way Baptist Church for personal evangelism. These servant leaders also have key roles in our Jail and Prison Ministries. You will also find them visiting the sick and shut in and providing comfort to our bereaved and support to others in need of compassionate fellowship and prayer.

Music Ministry

The Bible Way Music Ministry is under the direction of Sister Nancy Small, Minister of Music. Sis. Small is blessed with a team of dedicated and gifted musicians and directors who understand the importance of spirit-led worship.

We are a Christ centered ministry that exalts the name of Jesus Christ through songs of Praise and Worship as we edify the Body of Christ by spreading the Good News of His life, death, resurrection and His coming return. We not only sing of the goodness of God, but we seek to live it in our daily lives, extending Agape love through faith and fellowship. As we study God’s Word to show ourselves approved, we offer worship in Spirit and Truth led by the Holy Spirit and confirmed by God’s Holy Word.

The Music Ministry includes:

  • Male Chorus – Our men’s chorus is a group of men with the melodious voices that uplift our spirits. Listening to these singers is unforgettable so come enjoy their singing every 4th Sunday
  • Youth Choir – This group consists of our elementary and middle school students. They rehearse regularly two Saturdays per month, and share inspirational songs with our congregation during the 11:00 a.m. worship hour every 3rd Sunday.
  • Mass Choir – This choir consists of all Bible Way choir members. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the church. The Mass Choir supports most Sunday morning worship services, as well as revivals, annual auxiliary days, and community events. The Mass Choir features a wide variety of musical styles, ranging from traditional hymns to anthems and contemporary gospel.

Prayer & Care Ministry

Ministering to the needs of our congregation by offering prayer and other support services for specialized populations

Prison Ministry

The primary purpose of the Prison Ministry Team is to evangelize, encourage, and equip those in prison, so that they are empowered to successfully transition back into society upon release from prison.

Seniors’ Ministry

The Seniors’ Ministry services adults who are 65 years of age and older by offering a broad cross-section of activities. From physical activities (such as power walks and aerobics) to educational activities (such as seminars, church and community outreach projects, monthly luncheons) this ministry appeals to members and non-members alike.

The Women’s (Sisterhood) Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of the Bible Way Missionary Baptist Church continues to provide Christian training, discipleship, evangelism, mentorship and leadership training for women and girls of all ages.

Mission Circle I - III

All women are encouraged to participate in our Mission Ministry. We have opportunities to regular fellowship, monthly Bible study, and serve our community in an exclusively women-oriented, Christ-focused environment. We continually strive to do everything in love and model faith for others needing Christ’s power.

Junior Mission

Our Junior Mission is comprised of young women (post-secondary school to early 30s) who are on fire for God! monthly Bible Study, peer support, and outreach are hallmarks of this group who seek to live holy and walk in God’s will.

Girl’s Auxiliary


The Men’s Ministry of the Bible Way Missionary Baptist Church continues to provide Christian training, discipleship, evangelism, mentorship and leadership training for men and boys of all ages.

The Brotherhood Ministry

The Brotherhood is a group of consecrated Christian men which, led by the Spirit of God and operating in unity and wisdom, under girds all the programs of the local church and Missionary Baptist Church denomination.

The goals of this ministry are to deepen the spirituality of men, to win the lost to Christ, to cultivate Christian fellowship, and to promote religious intelligence. Our men do not shrink back from their leadership roles whether at the church or at home. We encourage all men to be a part of the Brotherhood! Men lead the services every 4th Sunday and meet on average once a month.

Children & Youth

For our children and youth ages Pre-K to teens.

Preschool Ministry

The Preschool Ministry is designed for children between the ages of 18 months and first grade. We provide a fun, safe, and educational environment where children can learn and develop through hands-on, minds-on activities. Our goal is to provide high quality educational materials that reflect best practices in early childhood development. Lessons feature Biblical themes that equip children with the basics and higher skills to be successful in school and in life. Our program encourages children to learn independence, responsibility and respect for others. Wonderful things happen in a child’s life when the church, educational and home environments collaborate to develop the whole child.

Youth & Children’s Church

God has provided spirit-filled youth and children from a wide range of backgrounds. We have been blessed with wonderful supervisors, sponsors and youth workers that encourage our children and youth to give their very best to the Master. Our children are God-given gifts. It is a blessing when young people show they know Jesus. We believe as Psalms 8:2 states, “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings has thou ordained strength.” Our Youth Department activities are designed for their enjoyment, growth, and edification. We accept the charge to sponsor activities that train them in how to flourish as Christians while having fun and fellowship.

Vacation Bible School Ministry

Vacation Bible School features age-appropriate, Bible-centered activities during the month of June. It is a significant part of the church’s Bible teaching program and vital to our church’s educational program. It is centered on nurturing children through Bible study, music, arts and crafts. The purpose of this ministry emphasizes the love of Jesus Christ. During one week of AM and PM sessions, instruction and recreation are holy-spirit directed to strengthen Christians in their commitment to Christ and inform non-believers about Him.

BibleWay MBC Affiliations and Associations

I. We are affiliated with the (Baptist General Convention Of Texas) Texas Baptists and their Cooperative Program Mission and Ministry efforts
II. We are associated with the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas and its Foreign Mission Board and mission effort in Belize

BibleWay MBC Affiliations and Associations

I. We are affiliated with the (Baptist General Convention Of Texas) Texas Baptists and their Cooperative Program Mission and Ministry efforts
II. We are associated with the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas and its Foreign Mission Board and mission effort in Belize